Welcome to my writing blog!

Hi!   I'm Rose and I hail from Liverpool, UK.

This place gathers together my thoughts and ideas about my writing projects - and any progress that might be in danger of being made!

I've been a reader all my life and have toyed with the idea of writing my own book for almost as long but began to treat this seriously in 2001.   And 2019 is the year I actually publish something!  I am publishing my 'debut' novel - The Curse of Mannerley Manor - through Lulu.com.

My favourite authors (in no particular order) are Jane Austen, Terry Pratchett, JRR Tolkein, CS Lewis and Tad Williams.   I mostly write sci-fi/fantasy (is there even a difference, anymore?) but I have turned my hand to many types of genre.


Writing projects

I have an on-going flash fiction project called 70 x 700 which comprises stories of about 700 words each.  Eventually, there will be 70 of them, but there is a way to go, yet!

I have a fanfiction account under the name of Rosa Heartlily. I still dabble in fanfiction (in which the author takes an established group of characters and writes new situations for them) but my attention these days is focussed more on original work.

Sin I've even written a comic script for an on-line comice called Awesom Storm Justice 41 - episode 15 is mine!   Really loved seeing my written words become the pictures I'd imagined.   I'd love to do something original but I need a willing artist.

Since 2002, I've taken part in  National Novel Writing Month  (NaNoWriMo), as Rosa Heartlily, and completed the challenge to write 50,000 words in 30 days many times. I have a number of manuscripts on my PC collecting virtual dust and waiting for some love and attention.   I did take a fresh look at my 2007 Nano, which has a working title of Today is not a day for heroes, but it was my 2014 Nano that made it all the way to print!

I am taking part in Nanowrimo again in 2019 - why not look me up?

Some links!

You Write On

You Write On is a writers' support website.   Review other writers' work then submit a chapter or story of your own and other writers will review it.


Fanfiction.net is the home of all things fanfiction.   Fanfiction takes a group of established characters (from a book, a film or video game) and gives them a new adventure to enjoy.   Whatever your fandom, there are probably fanfics written about it!   You can find me there...

Shotgun Honey

Shotgun Honey is an on-line magazine for lovers of crime/noir fiction.   All the stories are short (as in 700 words short!) but they're all worth a read.   Submit a story and the editors will decide whether or not to publish.

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