Quick update
Happy New Year!
Just a quick one, today, to let you know my plans for 2020.
The first thing is that I plan to update and publicise my blog every Friday - or at least, MOST Fridays! - this year. I'll continue with the 'Process of Creating a Novel' series, at least for the time being.
Secondly, I'm aiming to complete '70x700' - which has been in existence for over 5 years and still isn't at the half-way point! So, the plan is to create a new story every week - draft, edit, publish. Wish me luck! Then, next year, I'll do a good edit of the whole thing and self-publish, now that I know how that works.
Finally, I am going to create an e-version of 'The Curse of Mannerley Manor' - but don't forget you can still get a printed copy from Lulu.com!
That's all for now - see you next week.