Article archive
Pause... reflect...
07/02/2020 12:55
So, my last entry didn't really set my pulse racing, let alone anyone else's!
I'm going to pause and take some time to reflect on what I want this blog to be - but I'll probably use the blog itself as the place where I capture my thoughts (assuming I have any!), so watch this space...
The Process of Creating a Novel - Part 4
24/01/2020 13:16
Today, we move on to plotting, the thing that your story is actually about!
At its most basic, this is the beginning, middle and end of your story. But most novels will have at least one sub-plot, perhaps several. And if it's a Terry Pratchett Discworld novel, the sub-plots will all...
The Process of Creating a Novel - Part 3
17/01/2020 06:26
In Part 2, I promised to look at how I get to know my characters, so here goes.
Like most things in my life, the simplest answer is, 'it depends'. It depends on the character, how much time they spend in my head before, during, and after the writing process. For Nano Nineteen, the main...
Quick update
10/01/2020 17:19
Happy New Year!
Just a quick one, today, to let you know my plans for 2020.
The first thing is that I plan to update and publicise my blog every Friday - or at least, MOST Fridays! - this year. I'll continue with the 'Process of Creating a Novel' series, at least for the time being.
Ideas and concepts
25/10/2019 14:50
Today's blog post touches on where my story ideas come from.
And I've added a thumbnail of the book I'm currently reading - 'Planet Narnia'
The Process of Creating a Novel - Part 2
25/10/2019 14:33
Today, I'm going to answer a question that I get asked a lot - where do I get my ideas?
To be honest, I don't so much get ideas as they get me! It feels more like being a conduit for the stories, that they are telling themselves to me and I'm translating that through the action of my fingers...
Progress - of a sort...
18/10/2019 07:14
I've just posted a new blog article about the thinking behind my decision to leave character development and world building for Nano Nineteen until I actually start writing it.
Cop out? Maybe - but it'll keep me sane whilst I'm negotiating RL over the next couple of weeks!
The Process of Creating a Novel: Part 1
18/10/2019 06:58
So, I have the outline of the story mostly in my head. With the stuff that's going on in RL, I really haven't had the time to do anything much with it. In particular, I'm really struggling to get to grips with my characters.
Characters are people. They may live in our heads - and...
The process of creating a novel: Introduction
09/10/2019 06:49
I was talking to a friend about the process of creating The Curse of Mannerley Manor (which will be published and available to purchase very soon, honest!) and I found that, whilst I remembered the basic steps (and the editing, re-editing, re-re-editing and still finding things to fix when I was in...
Nano Nineteen
09/10/2019 06:44
With just over three weeks to go, I am seriously getting into gear for this year's National Novel Writing Month!
I have a whole cast of characters (although none of them have names yet!), a stoy outline, and even a map of the areas where the action takes place. This year, I am working on the...
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